WW1 Trivia

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by liverpool annie, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Angelo Roncalli during WW1 served in the Royal Italian army as a Medical Corpsman at the Battle of Isonzo River. He was also employed as a Chaplain and a Stretcher-Bearer and ended the war with the rank of Sergeant .....

    he later became Pope John XXXIII
  2. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    This is translated from Italian ...... :)

    Lt. Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (1881-1963)

    Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was born November 25, 1881 in Sotto il Monte (Bergamo) to places Brusicco, from a humble farming family. The future Pope John XXIII became 10 years in the seminary at Bergamo, driven by a strong vocation, where he immediately distinguished himself in the performance studies. In November 1901, when he was still a cleric, was called to arms, did military service at the barracks of the 73rd Infantry Regiment (Brigade "Lombardia") in Bergamo. Governing its operations and willing soldier and was assigned to regimental company of Health and attained the rank of corporal aide Health.

    Was discharged in November 1902, two years after the seminar ended and became a priest.
    On 23 May 1915 he was drafted, in the Royal Corps of Military Health, with the rank of sergeant. ( 73rd Infantry Regiment of the Brigata Lombardia ) From his diary:

    "Tomorrow I leave for military service in healthcare. Where I send? Perhaps the enemy front? I will come back in Bergamo, or the Lord has prepared my last time on the battlefield? Nothing so and this only want, the will of God in everything and always, and its full glory in the sacrifice of my being. So and so I think I just keep myself up to my vocation and facts to show my true love for country and for the souls of my brothers. The spirit is willing and happy. Lord Jesus mantenetemi always in these provisions. Mary, my good mother, help me ut in omnibus Christus glorificetur (Sotto il Monte, May 23, 1915).

    At first he was sent into service at the Main Military Hospital of Milan (located near the present headquarters of the Catholic University). Subsequently it was transferred to the Military Hospital of Bergamo stage, called "New Shelter". It is home to heal and assist both Spritualità but mostly factual, the tide of wounded sore from the Trentino front, cleared in haste, under fire, and transported to the rear Lombard to undergo any surgery, medication, specialized treatment.

    Since 1917 this hospital then received hundreds of Italian prisoners repatriated from Kriegefangenlager Austro through Switzerland because they have serious diseases or physical conditions precarie.Il March 28, 1916, promoted lieutenant, was appointed Chaplain to the Military Hospital of Bergamo stage and in Meanwhile he gave himself much to do to heal the spiritual care of military patients in other hospitals in the city, coordinating the activities of the various Houses of Soldier Bergamo, places where the soldiers were given the opportunity for recreation, practice games, writing at home, reading magazines, watching plays or musical theater and religious services.

    From a letter written to his brother Xavier, a soldier, too: "... Come my brother. Be prepared for everything, with clear conscience, with Holy Communion well made, with absolute abandon in the Lord who is our strength and our salvation with his conscience and the willingness to do all your duty simply and at any cost, watching God is watching us and comforts us. To others talk for us our sacrifice. So he loves the country, and not as many who have always in his mouth and never in heart ... (Bergamo, January 6, 1918).

    He was discharged with the rank of lieutenant on 10 dicembre1918.

    Can I just say ... I love this photo !! :)

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