Is this really the start of a new era? I long for the day, which I guess I won't see in my lifetime, when a person's colour, creed, sexual tendencies etc. will be not even noticed, never mind considered. Thank heavens the scarey Palin & Clinton ladies haven't got their feet anywhere near the Whitehouse welcome mat!
The American public has put a lot of faith into Barack Obama so I hope he doesn't let them down but after all he is a pollie.
I do hope he is an inspiring leader as the American people have shown a lot of faith in him. I have to admit to being a bit cautious as our new PM promised change etc etc but has largely achieved nothing to date (my opinion). However, he speaks in double-talk and pure bureaucrat dribble whereas I've noticed Obama is quite eloquent (or has a good speech writer and the ability to deliver it well). Either way, it is an amazing step for the US and I truly hope it is a step in the right direction and the country's reputation around the world is repaired after so much bumbling.
Well, I will be waiting and watching but he has to be better than the incumbant...and thought McCain ssemed like an honourable man, his health problems were a major consideration. And if anything happened to him then we would have been stuck with Palin :bolt:
Personally I can't stand Obama, the man does too much spin, and he does it smoothly just like Blair did in 1997.... Either way we were screwed. Just to wait and see now. :noidea:
Never really trusted Blair from the start...and couldn't stand that woman he's married to. But then, I'm sure they wouldn't like me so who cares?!
Can I just say .... I'm surprised ! .... I never thought that people here on this site were capable of being intolerant of others ..... in just this one thread that was supposed to be one of hope for a new era ... seems to have turned the corner into something unsavoury ! and what surprises me even more is that the site administrator is the one who lowered the tone .... what a shame !
Hi Annie It is not intolerance of others, be they black, white, male or female. I doubt if Lee has a racist bone in his body. However, and this is a big however, what you will find here, and many other boards populated by Brits, Australians, canadians etc, is a very high degree of cynicism as regards to politicians. Even to the point of using intemperate language, I for one have got to the point where I have no faith in any of the politicians, whether in Britain or in the US. And that cyncism has extended to politician's advisors and their spouses - Cherie was a classic example of someone who was unelected and used her position for her own gain. I am sorry that you were offended what has been said, and for that I do sincerely apologise, for myself and for the others, but what has been said is a reflection of the situation that many feel that they are in now.
Apology accepted of course but you don't even need to apologize for a thing having been around soldiers sailors and teenage boys nearly all my life .... I am unoffendable Kyt ! My mantra is ........ in my signature ....... of course Lee is entitled to exactly the same one ! Annie
Thank you Annie. Now, as for Dr Seuss my favourite is "" I would not, could not, in a box. I could not, would not, with a fox. I will not eat them with a mouse. I will not eat them in a house. I will not eat them here or there. I will not eat them anywhere. I do not eat green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-am. " :becky: