I'm off to South Africa tonight so after today's flurry of messages and dribble, I'll be a bit quiet till the 22nd when I come back (thank goodness...who said that?!). No doubt I'll find some excuse/chance to get on here when I'm over there but if I don't, I'm looking forward to coming back to a very active, informative "dark side" kicking site. Cheers for now Now I wonder if Beaufighters over the Balkans is really cheap in South Africa...it is an SAAF book after all...heh heh heh heh
Have a good time, Andy - even if it is "work", i'm sure you'll find time to sample the local liquid refreshments.
I'm back! Good trip, better than we had hoped. Interesting place. Jo'burg is a little freaky but ya just gotta be careful. Had time to see some cool animals so happy with that. You guys have been busy!
Well, there was plenty of work and plenty of people to chat to and get over to Australia into engineering jobs and the like. More successful than we had hoped which makes it look good for a return trip next year! Saw two lions in the wild but didn't any pics cos could hardly see them. Sleeping in long grass. Saw plenty of other animals except for elephants. Biggest bloody animal there and I didn't see one! Stayed the first five days in Jo'burg, Sandton to be exact, one of the safer areas apparently. Heard a lot of scary stories but fortunately wasn't subjected to any of it or witnessed any of it. Heard about some shootings on the radio but that was it. Coming from Australia, was surprised at the amount of security but wasn't totally put off as I had expected it. Unfortunately didn't get to any museums. Checked out the bookshops of course but nothing about SA involvement in WWII (no Sailor Malan biographies or my nemesis, Beaufighter over the Balkans!). Stayed the second half of the trip with a friend of a colleague I was travelling with. She showed us around the nearby game parks. Had a wonderful garden that I could have sat in all day, every day just reading! Totally jet-lagged at present. Passed out Saturday night after getting in that afternoon. Couldn't sleep at all last night so hoping today's posts are making sense! Got an interview today with an engineering candidate. Hope I don't pass out half way through!