I've never seen the show but, oh boy, I wish I had :> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7011962.stm http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/tv_and_radio/article2525537.ece
I seen it this morning while putting on my shoes! White trailer trash trying to sort out their problems live on the TV!
i think i have seen a few seconds of it when really bored. Dear God, i went and watched CBBC instead. was more intelligent.
Rarely watch more than a few minutes of these shows, but tonight was the first of Jennifer Saunders' show "Veronica Vyle", sending them up. Funny in places, but the real thing is so gross and OTT its hard to make a comedy programme even more OTT. But for those of us into psychiatry and psychology, there was another level of wicked humour only too close to reality! :madgrin: