The Biography @ Eddie Chapman EDDIE CHAPMAN. A deserter from the Coldstream Guards in the 1930s he then turned to crime. A safecracker by profession and serving fourteen years in jail on Jersey in the Channel Islands, at that time under German occupation, he volunteered to spy for the Germans in England. He was trained at the Abwehr sabotage school at Nantes in France and then was parachuted into England on December 20, 1942, with a mission to blow up the De Havilland aircraft factory at Hatfield, in Hertfordshire, which was producing the new fighter-bomber, the Mosquito. After landing, he contacted British Intelligence who contrived a plan to blow up part of the factory not in use, giving the Germans the impression that the mission had succeeded. On returning to Jersey for more work, Eddie Chapman (Code Name 'ZigZag') was decorated with the German Iron Cross. After the war, Chapman was also given a British decoration, the only Englishman thus awarded! Later he set up a health farm and died aged 83 in 1997 leaving a wife and daughter Eddie Chapman, 83, Safecracker and Spy - New York Times
Quite a fascinating man ... don't you think ?? .... even the US Defence Intelligence Agency uses Eddie Chapman case as an example !! Eddie Chapman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Being a Stanley Kubrick fan .... I love the Clock Work Orange ........ most of Clockwork Orange was filmed on location - and I just found out ...... the Cat Lady's house is Shenley Lodge Hertfordshire It's a now a private school !! Kubrick Locations
Zig zag Hi Annie, quite a boy by all appearances as there are no less than 10 Files in KV2 regarding his exploits.
I read this last year, when the book came out. A first-class double cross review | Non-fiction book reviews - Times Online I also remember the 1950s film, which was quite a lark along the lines of usual Brit films then. The veracity of some his stories are still open to question though
Zig zag Eddie was dropped when MI5 discovered that he had been telling friends about his exploits as a spy.
Zig zag Not really K, but I bet the Files would make interesting reading. What a pity my workload is too heavy to read them next week.
The last paragraph of the review of the book ... probably says it all !! You sure you won't have time Brian ? .... sounds really interesting !! :becky: One thing though .... ( if you ever do look through the records !! ) who was his wife ?? the book says ...... Betty Farmer but the record from Whitehall says ...... Frieda Stevenson ?? No big deal ..... but I was just curious !!
I have a feeling that the British government were duped into believeing that Freda was his wife so that they would support her financially. Typical of Chapman
Zig zag He was a bit of a rogue wasn't he. Wouldn't be surprised if he had a third wife tucked away some where. Definately no time next week to look at the File. As much as I would like to,but will put it on the list of to doos. It will probably be quite some time before another visit is on the cards as the Canaries are calling now it is getting cold.