Where Eagles Dare

Discussion in 'Books and Films' started by Gage, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. Gage

    Gage New Member

  2. war hawk

    war hawk New Member

    Where Eagles Dare.

    I thought that the movie was good. I think Clint Eastwood ( a very well known actor here in America, I bet he is common with you all?) did a good job. I have seen it a few times and I thought it was a good movie:happy:
  3. Great website!

    Great film from a great book by a great author!

  4. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Clint Eastwood? He of Dirty Harry fame, Gran Torino, Bridges of Madison County, Sands of Iwo Jima, Flags of Our Fathers, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Million Dollar Baby, Space Cowboys, Paint Your Wagon, Pink Cadillac, Any Which Way But Loose, Kelly's Heroes, Unforgiven, Play Misty for Me, Hang 'em High, The Good The Bad and the Ugly etc? Never heard of him...:becky:

    Actor, Director, Producer, Composer - one of THE greats.
  5. war hawk

    war hawk New Member

    I like Dirty Harry, have not seen Gran Torino, liked Sands of Iwo Jima, liked Flags of our Fathers, I liked The Outlaw Josey Wales,I liked Hang ' em High, and I liked the Good the Bad and the Ugly. I know aloty of them.
  6. fixel101

    fixel101 Guest

    Try out "Letters from Iwo Jima," pretty darned good as well.

  7. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    I do like the film.....until that damn helicopter scene. Why? When most other things seem pretty authentic, why have a helicopter.

    Yes I know existed during the war but not anything like that!!!!
  8. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Rowdy Yates of Rawhide TV series fame in 1959.
  9. Gage

    Gage New Member

    Because it's well named (Schloss Adler), only an eagle could get to it (or cable car or helicopter!)!

  10. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Haven't seen it but what the...
  11. war hawk

    war hawk New Member

    Sorry forgot to list that one I have seen it.:fishing::BewareSpam:
    1 person likes this.
  12. With all this fawning over Eastwood, I'm surprised all you wonderful Limeys haven't said anything about the other great actor in that film, Sir Richard Burton. :boom: One of the great actors, voices and screen presences of all time.

    Remember that they picked Sir Richard to end the film, The Longest Day: "... he's got them on the wrong feet!" No one else could have delivered that like like Burton!
  13. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Not a limey so don't care...:lol: :bolt:
  14. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Ooigh! who are you calling a limey?

    Although I have lots of "Limey" friends, calling an Aussie (me) a Limey is like saying all Texans are from Austin.

    Anyway, the novel was penned in two weeks especially for Burton to play the lead role.
  15. Gage

    Gage New Member

    And Maclean also wrote the screen play.
  16. Gage

    Gage New Member

  17. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    I could handle that little trip!
  18. aghart

    aghart Former Tank Commander Moderator

    I visited The castle at Werfen only a month ago whilst on holiday in Austria.

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