I am interested to know if there are any biographies or even women alive today who were part of WAC. I'm also interested in those women who took over the factory jobs, played baseball and the fields while the men were in combat during WWII. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thank you!
Well, a few are here to support your study. * 'The Women's Army Corps', written by Mattie E Treadwell, published by CMH Publication in '54, look at a glance : http://www.history.army.mil/books/wwii/Wac ~ Probably the most detailed book about WAC/WAAC history. * 'The Women's Army Corps - A Commemoration of WW2 Service, written by Judith A Bellafaire, CMH Publication, check here : http://www.history.army.mil/brochures/WAC/WAC.HTM But this one, probably the best of all, since it written by Col Bettie J Morden - the most recognised personnel in the WAC/WAAC, is 'The Women's Army Corps, 1945-1978, published in circa '90, by the Govt Printing Office for the USA Center of Military History (pgs. 543), have been awarded Distinguished Book Award in '91 from the Society of the Military Historians! Thanks ...
Thank you Diptangshu! I truly appreciate all the resources. I have always been interested in learning more about the women during that time. I think my grand ma was one of them, but I never got the chance to ask her about it. Thank you!
Thank you Gin for your kind words but I think , ... I did nothing but tried a bit to help for your study. Here, in this Forum, a very good numbers of members you will found, who are really knowledgeable and very attentive to every posts! Had I not replied for yours earlier, I believe, your's one never lefted without reply. Thanks .