VE Day ...

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by GearZ, May 7, 2015.

  1. GearZ

    GearZ Member

    Well, tomorrow is the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day. I recently came across a collection of photos that I thought might be of interest. It can be seen here.





    Last edited: May 7, 2015
  2. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    Thank you for the pictures and the reminder.

    I am reminded of the writings of the British J-2 officer (Intelligence) for Eisenhower. Sorry but I can not recall his name. He was paired with the American Bedel Smith. Together they filtered through the massive amounts of information which needed to be seen by SHAEF. Beyond that the pair negotiated Italy's surrender and, evently, the second Fuhrer's (Donetz) surrender of Germany.

    I muse over this officer's writing because he admited in print the major which he aand Bedel Smith made. In accepting Germany's surrender and the signing of documents of surrender NO representative of the Soviet Union was in attendence. This violated earlier agreements of a united front of the UN facing Germany. It meant a state of war remained between Germany and Russia when there was peace in the west.

    When news of the surrender reached the Russians they objected. A second surrender ceremony took place the next day with Russians in attendane.

    So actually V-E day is the 9th.
  3. sdmahaneysc

    sdmahaneysc New Member

    I also spent some time this week looking up pictures from early May 1945 this week. oki_stretch.jpg oki_ftank.jpg
    Happy "Job's Not Half Done" Day!
    [I looked them up for,]
    [[yes, I am raining on your parade, which should have been done in '45!]]

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