US Commendations

Discussion in 'Military Biographies' started by liverpool annie, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    16 Division
    May 16, 1918
    Order No. 697

    General Gallais Cdt of the 16:DI cites to the order of the Division the soldiers of the 369th R.I.U.S.

    1st: Johnson, Henry, No. 103348, soldier in the said command: doing double night sentry duty, was attacked by a group of a dozen Germans and put out of the fight by gunshot and seriously wounded two [sic] with a knife. In spite of having received three wounds by revolver shots and grenades at the start of the action, went to the help of his wounded comrade who was being carried away by the enemy and continued the strife until the round of the Germans. Gave a magnificent example of courage and energy.

    2nd: Roberts, Needham, No. 103369, soldier in the said command: Doing double night sentry duty was attacked and seriously wounded in the leg by a group of Germans; continued the strife by throwing grenades, in spite of having fallen to the ground, until the enemy was put to rout. Good and brave soldier.

    The General requested that the citation for the soldier Johnson be changed to the Citation of the Order of the Army.

    2A Chief of Etat Major
    General Cdt. of the 16th D

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  2. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Sergeant Henry Johnson, 369th Infantry ("Harlem Hellfighters") who single-handedly fought off a
    german raiding party to save his comrade Private Needham Roberts 1918.

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