Just a few days ago, while the nearly 200 year old statehouse in Boston was being renovated a time capsule from 1795 was discovered in the cornerstone of the old building. Thus far, Paul Revere and Samuel Adams have been given credit for the placing of the box. Paul Revere apparently laid the copper dome to the statehouse and Sam Adams helped build the building. In it was found some old coins, a silver plate of some sort, a few folded news papers, and other documents they have yet to describe. There's a lot more in the link. enjoy!! http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/06/us/feat-paul-revere-sam-adams-boston-time-capsule/
I have been following this story for some time, because a time capsule was found in my state capital last year, and when opened, the wax cylinders that held audio recordings had melted, and everyone was disappointed. I was hoping for more from this capsule. The box was discovered in the cornerstone in 1855, the contents cleaned, and then they added some items from their time. It was returned, and was opened 160 years later. The most amazing thing in the box, to me, are the five folded newspapers. They are in great shape! The copper coins probably held back the fungi.
Wow. I want to do that one day, but I don't know what I would add into it. Does anybody have any ideas of what you would put in?