My view is that the title goes to the British Tank watercraft. I don't know the real name but the tanks were deployed of landing crafts during the invasion of overload or something like that,can't remeber what compaine they were used for. Anyways the invention did not go so well,useless and just a pain really.
Are you referring to the swimming (DD) tank? Which when used correctly proved to be invaluable and very effective.
The failure could have happend with the testing period,if you and i are taliking about the same equitment. I have seen a program on this equitment during ww2,it may have been in the testing period before it was commisioned. It was useless when first contructed but i should have watch all the program,i would have found out how it was during ww2. I am not sure if the name is swimming (DD)but the name dose siut this equitment,so it sounds like it.
Isn't it just a Sherman with a flotation device.? I have a very low opinion of the Sherman or "Ronson".
With the Amphib tanks deployed for the invsion many never made it onto shore. being deployed from LSTcraft probably to far out and were swamped. Other worst invention of mass murder of unimaginal size during a war where most nations have sighned the Geneva Conventios.
Not just a flotation device - it wasn't quite the same as putting water wings on a kid and then teaching them to swim in a pool. It was quite a technical accomplishment. As for their success/failure - true they failed completely on Utah but not so to the same degree on the other beaches. Have a read of the following as an introduction: DD tank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The DD tanks were also successfully used an operations across NW Europe after D-Day
Not just too far out - Way too far out which was confirmed by their successful launching on other beaches. An example of "where close enough was not good enough.
The officer in charge in that section of beach actually thought it was the time to deploye the tanks(Think he was a bit lost) but realise after that they were to far away,could not turn back cause at the time of launch the weather and waves were bad. They could not turn around cause the waves would have did more damage than going with the waves.So they had to keep on going. Thats the way it went?My memory is faded.
If it was that bad how come it and variants of it were in production from 1941 to 1945 and in use from 1941 to 1950.
Actually the Reising was an excellent weapon in theory, accurate and light. But in combat conditions it was disliked because it frequently jammed. As to the fact that it was produced between 1941 to 1945 is an indication of the desperation for the need for waepons than its quality. It was easier to produce than the Thompson, but after the Marine combat troops started rejecting it was used for traing, and continued in that role till it could be replaced.
I don't really know anything about this invention or how good it was but too me, it looks like it could be the worst invention of ww2. The Link did not work. I am talking about the plane mounted on top of a bigger aircraft,i have no idea what this is called.It does not look like it could fight in a capablt dog fight.
Yes that's the equitment i was on about. It seems they did alright during ww2,but i can't see how they did.