The best inventions of ww2.

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by war hawk, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. war hawk

    war hawk New Member

    That was what the war was about.
  2. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Best or Worst ---

    Hi W.H.
    I think you will find that war is more about possessing greater room, more fertile land or natural productive areas, coal, oil, grain, etc., also intergrating the deteated population into a useful but survile followers.
    If they can't be subdued and obedient, then get rid of them.
    Leibensraum was the war cry of the third reich, forgive me for not using capitals, and occupying more space for their own settlement and pleasure !
    Rather like some of the middle eastern states are trying to do, every now and again.
  3. war hawk

    war hawk New Member

    In order to do those things you have to hurt, kill and destroy.
  4. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Killing People

    Hi W.H.
    I was only trying to point out that in most societies, primitive or otherwise the main function of war was not for the sole purpose of killing people.
    The main objective was to possess what the other person has.
    As you rightly say this often means if the other people are not willing to be subject to outside rule the other alternative is to wipe them out.
    I think cleansing was the description used.
  5. war hawk

    war hawk New Member

    Hi Keith:
  6. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    Killing harmed Male soldiers during wars i do except,but to invent a weapon that can hurt and kill inercent people. I do not think it should have been invented and i don't think it is the best invention :peace:
  7. war hawk

    war hawk New Member

    What are you supposed to do kill them with your hands.?
  8. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Heidi, you are correct about radar but you can also say the same about the jet engine. The first examples were around before the war. On the subject of engines, you probably need to be a bit more specific about "English Rolls Royce Engines". The Merlin, and the family of engines from which the Merlin developed, was certainly around before the war.

    Not sure where you're going with bombs. I agree they're not a great invention but, again, they were around long before the 1939-45 war.

    That's thinking outside the square, Jerome, although it was developed by Hormel before the war.

    Exactly right, Keith. Whoever has the most toys wins and all that - no offense meant by the offhand remark but it's a simple way of saying it.

    Heidi, if you're referring back to bombs, see above.

    This thread has gone off-track. Don't forget the massive investment in research and development during the war to overcome problems and correct mistakes. Many technologies saw their "invention" before the war and we need to be more specific than "bombs" for example - perhaps drill down to the Fritz X guided bomb or the V1 if you think these are great inventions. As an item, they were an invention but they were an amalgamation/culmination of other inventions such as the pulse-jet which probably had their origins before the war. So the entire bomb itself is an invention of the war but not the engine, for example.

    To deal with the problem of loss of access to the Asian rubber plantations, the process of making synthetic rubber was invented during the war. Again, this would have involved components in its creation that would have existed before the war but the end result is what matters with regard to this thread.
  9. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    I am talking about normal population of ww2,the innercent people that get killed over bombs. If the bombs were not invented than countries can't kill normal population.
    In accient wars the normal population had more chance of surviving cause ethe emeny could not get to the normal population.
    I do agree in using bombs in wars but only for killing the emenies Armies and Millartry Aircrafts and Ships.In that case it a great idea.
  10. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    Ok Andy. I understand.

    How about the landing water crafts?Think it was invented by the Americans!If i can recall,they turn out to be useful in ww2.
  11. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    Penicillian and Radar could be said to be pre war inventions, though they came into their own during the war like so many other items. don't forget Computers (Betchley Park)
    Rocket & Jet tech, massive advances in everything that had even the smallest positive effect on the war. From various Radio systems to the first ultimaly in 1945 usable helicopters.
    Thats one of the few good things about war and especially global wars of the 20th century, the world came out of the wars with much improved items and several new invented items.
  12. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    How about the Choppers as a good invention of ww2. Chopper were invented by the Germans in ww2 but at the very end of ww2. If was invented at the start of ww2,i think it would be a great invention and done alot of damage to the Allies.
  13. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Not as simple as that:

    I still do not agree that Penicillin was not a WW2 invention. Not that Sir Alexander Fleming did not see the possible benefits and named it, he could not make it work and so in 1928/9 he had no more to do with it.

    The "invention" comes with perfecting the process of manufacture. Florey and Chain et al during the war, (post September 1939) perfected the manufacture in pots and pans, conducted successful human trials and then Florey took it to the US.
  14. Colonel Klink

    Colonel Klink New Member

    We would have destroyed them with our planes. Remember our planes would have had more manueverability(than their choppers would have had). P.S Flak guns would have destroyed them easily also.:)
  15. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    sorry,i did not mean in combats but i meant in destroying land target marks somthing like that. Like it would have an anvantage plus in rescuing soldiers behind emeny lines that would have been an advantage aswell. i do agree in combats choopers won't really help the war effort.
  16. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    Another best invention is the British Mosqutio,an all rounder plus the emeny could not really destroy the aircraft. Now that is the best invenion of aircrafts of ww2,even better than the German jets may i add.

    Another best invention comes from the Americans. I think it is called a clucker,it was used by the American parrtroopers when after jumping from the plane. Any soldier that was lost and heard other soldiers in around him could just cluck his clucker,if there is a responce back it is a friend comming to wards him,if not, it is a foe German comming towards him. I think it actually worked well for the Americans.
  17. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    TV .... antibiotics .... frozen foods .... !!
  18. Colonel Klink

    Colonel Klink New Member

    I understand.:happy:
  19. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Cats eyes are used in road marking ... I think they were invented a bit before the war but the blackouts of World War II made them essential on roads that lacked lighting but still had traffic !

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