I'm interested in learning as much as I can about the South Wales Borderers in WW1. My Grandfather John ( Jack) Walters served with B Comp, 2nd Batt. Here is what I have found out so far. Prior to WW1 he served at Tsing Tao China, ( No medal issued) April 25th 1915 was in the landings at Suvla Bay, according to family history, he was blown out of the boat he was in, his pay book was stained with salt water which seems to confirm this. His company sergeant at that time was CS Booth. I know he was at Malta for some time, which seems to point he could have been wounded, as I remember Malta being called the hospital of the Med. From there it gets a little hazy, I know he turned up on the Western Front, not sure where, was captured about 6 months before the war ended while on patrol, not sure of the camp, Lubeck ? apparently it was one of the worst POW camps to be taken to, all I can remember is my Father showing me a postcard his mother received saying he was uninjured but a POW. On his release he returned to Brecon, where he stayed, family history again says he rose to Sergeant Major at Brecon, but I don't have any confirmation of this. Any help would be appreciated