pte herbert george waterloo king lincolnshire and north staffs

Discussion in 'Looking for someone' started by herbert george, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. herbert george

    herbert george New Member

    I am trying to find out about my grandfather Herbert George Waterloo King. Born 1896 I know little about his service record. I have a copy of his transfer to reserve which shows attested 15-3-1915, called up 15-3-1915 for Lincolnshire regiment the number shown is 34600 and shows transfer to reserve 2nd batt North Staffs. I know he served in Afghanistan 1919. Any help appreciated
  2. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    Hi North Staffs,
    Welcome to the forum and thank you for posting your question. Do you have a date for his transfer to the North Staffs?
    The 2nd Batt North Staffs were a regular unit and not a reserve unit. Once you have the dates for each Regiment it maybe worth contacting the Regimental museum for the Batt history for when he was in the Regiment. If he fought in any of the campaigns it would be worth getting a copy of the units war diaries. If he was an officer these diaries may mention him by name, OR's names are rarely mentioned.
    Hope this helps
  3. joshtheboss

    joshtheboss New Member

    Good look with your journey. He seems very combat experienced.
  4. carolgreen299

    carolgreen299 New Member

    If he was an officer these diaries may mention him by name, OR's names are rarely mentioned.
  5. herbert george

    herbert george New Member

    I have been struggling to find the dates that he joined the North Staffs and where he might have served. I have looked for soldiers with a similar number on the war graves to see if I can work it out that way and not got very far. It seems to me that he may have joined anytime from1916 (9th battalion) in France to 1917 in or around Karachi. My husband does remember stories told to him of his grandfather waking up in hospital to an awful smell, which he later found out was guerka soldiers ear belts? I am currently waiting for copies of the medal rolls from the national archives to see if this helps. Can anyone tell me where I would find the medal roll for the Afgan medal as I can't seem to find any reference to it.

    Thanks Shirley,
    still searching!!!

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