Operation Thesis - 454 Sqn

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Antipodean Andy, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Spidge, did you clear up the circumstances of those losses on Crete? I've just read about this event in the 454 book Alamein to the Alps and it includes some interesting anecdotes from the three crews (of eight) that returned and one of the crews that crashed on Crete.
  2. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    No, not in full. Would like to have the whole story.


  3. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    I'll see what I can do from the 454 point of view, Spidgeman (scanning, transcribing, whatever I have time for). Any other deaths on that date would be Beau crews or Hurris...maybe even some Spits (80 Sqn) that covered the withdrawal but not as likely.

    If other Aussie deaths/burials for that date, I can cross-reference Beaus with potential comments in Nesbit's The Armed Rovers.

    As the Allies were operating on double summer time, there was a slight stuff up as the plan was to hit at breakfast time. However, the Germans were not on daylight savings so were well and truly passed brekky when the Baltimores arrived. They arrived first, rather than the Beaus and Hurris "sweeping" ahead of them because it had taken too long to get the 90+ Hurris organised. Hence, the Baltimores arrived low and fast but were met by alert gun crews.

    One of the Baltimores (S/L Folkard) shot down skipped across a mine laden beach, explosions going off behind the aircraft as it went along. The crew extricated themselves, two, including Folkard, were quite banged up, and managed to move away before the bomb load went off. Can you imagine a bombed-up Baltimore with more than half its fuel remaining skipping across a minefield?! Yikes! Hutchinson, the WOP/AG in the turret pulled fellow WOP/AG Wedgwood out of the broken fuselage but he had already died.

    Five Baltimores were lost over/around Crete (one bombed a bridge, dropped short and bomb bounced off river bank and exploded under aircraft - Akhurst's crew, flying number two to Folkard, gave that explanation re Folkard's downing so perhaps not the entire bombload on board when she blew up - cheated and looked in the book for this bit!) and the sixth aircraft, F/S Akhurst, lost a motor over Crete and flew back to Gambut III on one engine. Apparently, with all the vibration, everyone's intercom jacks had come out so Akhurst couldn't communicate with the nav in the nose (nav could tap him on the foot to pass message at the best of times if intercom out). If he had, they would have ditched off Crete. So, they flew home and ditched just short of the coast as they couldn't climb to the 500 feet of the airfield and couldn't land on the beach due to obstruction by ship wreckage. The aircraft floated into shore the next day complete with its two homing pigeons! Akhurst got an immediate DFM.

    Given my dribble above, probably only need to post details about any of the crew lost! Spidgeman, let me know if there's any Aussies lost from the Beaus and Hurris (losses of Hurris was in the teens, IIRC)
  4. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Yes Andy,

    (6) 454sq boys on the same day and buried at Suda Bay.

    (1) Flight Officer and (5) Warrant Officers.

    Also another bad day for 454sq at Alamein (See below)

    BETTERIDGE, ARTHUR FREDERICK Flying Officer 400772 454sq 23/07/1943 27 Royal Australian Air Force Australian 5. E. 1. SUDA BAY WAR CEMETERY Greece Crete

    HARNETT, GEOFFREY WILLIAM Warrant Officer 400987 454sq 23/07/1943 26 Royal Australian Air Force Australian Column 277. ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt Alamein

    RICH, JOHN FREDERICK Flying Officer 400998 454sq 23/07/1943 27 Royal Australian Air Force Australian Column 277. ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt Alamein

    MOON, LOUIS WILLIS Warrant Officer 401011 454sq 23/07/1943 25 Royal Australian Air Force Australian 5. D. 20. SUDA BAY WAR CEMETERY Greece Crete

    FLETCHER, JOHN Pilot Officer 401188 454sq 23/07/1943 22 Royal Australian Air Force Australian Column 277. ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt Alamein

    WEDGEWOOD, KEITH STEWART Warrant Officer 401260 454sq 23/07/1943 28 Royal Australian Air Force Australian 5. B. 4. SUDA BAY WAR CEMETERY Greece Crete

    REILLY, BERESFORD STANLEY Pilot Officer 401583 454sq 23/07/1943 28 Royal Australian Air Force Australian Column 277. ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt Alamein

    HARRIS, RONALD OSWALD Warrant Officer 401624 454sq 23/07/1943 28 Royal Australian Air Force Australian Column 277. ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt Alamein

    BAKER, EDGAR FRANCIS Flight Sergeant 403249 454sq 23/07/1943 26 Royal Australian Air Force Australian Column 278. ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt Alamein

    GODDARD, JOHN ENDACOTT Warrant Officer 406692 454sq 23/07/1943 28 Royal Australian Air Force Australian 5.D.17. SUDA BAY WAR CEMETERY Greece Crete

    BAYLY, FRANCIS PAUL Warrant Officer 407402 454sq 23/07/1943 27 Royal Australian Air Force Australian 5. D. 19. SUDA BAY WAR CEMETERY Greece Crete

    COX, CHRISTOPHER FREDERICK Flying Officer 407493 454sq 23/07/1943 28 Royal Australian Air Force Australian Column 277. ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt Alamein

    GILES, DONALD BRUCE Warrant Officer 407498 454sq 23/07/1943 26 Royal Australian Air Force Australian 5. D. 18. SUDA BAY WAR CEMETERY Greece Crete
  5. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    They're all from the Crete raid, Spidgeman. There's a comment in the book that several crews were lost without trace so I imagine this is why they're on the Alamein memorial?

    BETTERIDGE, ARTHUR FREDERICK - Baltimore FA409. Other three crew - F/O CA Irvine RNZAF (pilot); F/S MF McLurg; F/S DW Baker RNZAF - were taken prisoner.


    MOON, LOUIS WILLIS - Baltimore AG869. Rest of crew also died and were BAYLY, FRANCIS PAUL (pilot); GILES, DONALD BRUCE; GODDARD, JOHN ENDACOTT.

    FLETCHER, JOHN - Baltimore FA247. Rest of crew also died and were REILLY, BERESFORD STANLEY; BAKER, EDGAR FRANCIS; P/O LD BLOMLEY, RAFVR (pilot).

    WEDGEWOOD, KEITH STEWART - one of the WOP/AG from the S/L Folkard crew and the only member of that crew to be killed. NAA records spell his name as Wedgwood.

    So, while 13 RAAF members of 454 were lost, the actual cost, of the eight aircraft and 32 crew on the trip, was 14 killed, six POW and six aircraft lost.

    Hope this helps a little.
  6. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Thanks Andy,

    I will slip that piece of detective work into the comments next to their names on the spreadsheet.

  7. spidge

    spidge Active Member


    Just had a look at the list and noticed I had 61 deaths for 454sq. Does that concur with anything you have read.

    Do you have/want the numbers for 454 to 459?............
  8. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    LOL, more a case of Mark Lax pulling it all together and me reading his work! There's footnotes all the way through the book but these details appear to be what you can get off CWGC (DOB and POB, peacetime profession)?

    96 all up, Spidgeman, but just did a quick count and came up with 35 RAF/RAFVR/RCAF/RNZAF so 61 would be right!

    Would have the details for them all ranging from what the person was doing at the time of death (recce, convoy escort etc) to a series of anecdotes so if that can add to your bio records for a listing, Spidgeman, I'm happy to help. Give me a list and I'll put a spiel together on each person.

    Same for 459 and 464 although I haven't been through them yet. I really should rip through The Armed Rovers, Silently into the Midst of Things, Gremlin on My Shoulder and a couple of others I've read recently and send you bio details of RAAF losses where possible.
  9. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    I have 32 for 464sq starting with this one!


    Pilot Officer





    Royal Australian Air Force


    4. O. 18.

  10. Peter Murray

    Peter Murray New Member

  11. Peter Murray

    Peter Murray New Member

    Tragic raid. Am related to Christopher Cox who was lost without trace. Family still mourn him and hoped some wreckage or trace would turn up but nothing, nothing but pain. Every Anzac day my grandchildren remember him.

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