No. 4 Australian Special Wireless Section In Australia During Ww2

Discussion in 'Regiment Histories' started by spidge, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    No. 4 Australian Special Wireless Section in Australia during WW2

    No 4 Australian Special Wireless Section was formed at Seymour under the command of Captain John "Jack" Ryan in June 1940. It comprised 99 men as follows:-
    - wireless operators
    - intelligence personnel
    - drivers
    - electricians
    - instrument mechanics
    - cooks
    - etc

    The function of the No. 4 Australian Special Wireless Section was to:-
    - Intercept enemy wireless transmission
    - Monitor Allied wireless transmissions

    Jack Ryan had been the chief engineer at Radio Station 3AW. His 2nd in command, was Arthur Henry. The wireless operators mostly had a Post Office or Marine Wireless background and were thus already proficient in Morse Code. Some of the Wireless Operators attended classes at the Institute of Radio Engineers and also at the PMG Training Centre at Haymarket. All of the wireless operators were able to achieve the minimum requirement of 25 words per minute.
    No. 4 Australian Special Wireless Section left Sydney in late December on board the "Queen Mary" headed for Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) where they transferred to the Dutch liner "Slamat" enroute to Egypt. They established their camp at El Amiriya where they commenced more training. They moved to a new camp at Ikingi Maryut where they trained using Kingsleys (AR 7), 109's and R101's. They then moved to Greece to commence their operational work monitoring German and Italian messages.

    Read more at the link above:

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