Maybe the "voice of the people" actually does make a difference. I'd like to think so! This concerns the huge hot air balloon in Gettysburg that I've mentioned here a few times. It created a carnival-like atmosphere at the same time the park service is trying to restore as much of the field to an 1863 appearance as possible. Since the balloon is privately owned, the park service didn't have any say in the matter. It was *UG*ly to the max. Stuck out like the proverbial sore thumb! Anyhow, I was reading the Gettysburg newspaper yesterday and it's coming down! At first I thought it may have been a seasonal thing because of weather but then I realized they would have at least kept it up until after the big annual commemoration of the Gettysburg Address delivery in November! The town is hopping then! Even more encouraging was the wording... that it's coming down, and "*MAY* be back next year." HA! No way... I think that's just saving face to say that they're going to try to make a last-ditch case for it and see if they can convince the masses. Isn't going to happen! I'll be there in less than two weeks again... hope it's already gone.