Hi All, Just been wondering if any of our members would be up for a challenge? If anyone would like to take up the challenge of researching their local town memorial i would be willing to help you right from the preparation of your research, right through to getting your research printed in a book. So, anyone up for a challenge??? Depending on the size of the memorial it could take anything from 6 months to two years to finish off your research ready for it to be published. Sniper
I live in a small suburb. I notice there are bronze plaques inside the city hall. That is it. In the larger sized towns, I noticed there are monuments for most of the overseas wars.
Palatka has a WW1 memorial bridge across the St John's bridge, which is about a mile wide here. There are two doughboy statues on the other side of the river, and a small park. Don't know how much of a book it would make. There is a War Between the States memorial and ,I believe, both a WW2 and Vietnam war memorial, as well as murals. I believe the Confederate memorial lists both white and "colored" Confederate vets.