I have just finished reading my father's rather battered 1946 edition of Gibson's "Enemy Coast Ahead." At the back of the book is a listing of names of some of the crews. I was intrigued to see check marks against some of the names and I presume these were people he knew. In my own limited way I have discovered that he was with F/Lt. Hopgood at 14 O.T.U. and 50 Squadron. He was also at 50 Squadron with Taerum and Trevor-Roper. Another Dambuster at 50 Squadron was Tytherleigh from Maudslay's crew, who is not listed here. Has anyone any knowledge of where Maudslay, Barlow, Maltby, Knight, and Spafford were stationed prior to their posting to 617 Squadron?
Spafford: Spafford, Frederick Michael (1918 - 1943) Biographical Entry - Australian Dictionary of Biography Online
Thanks Kyt. As far as Maudslay and Maltby are concerned I cannot see exactly where their flight paths and my father's crossed although they were around the same stations at various times. Spafford was at 50 Squadron the same time as my father.