Moving the Jews to Poland

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Wise1, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. Wise1

    Wise1 Getting Wiser!

    How did the Jews end up in Auschwitz, Belzec, Treblinka and so on?

    A well organised plan it was not, Himmler never really seemed sure of what he was doing himself.

    After invading Poland there were a number of factors to be considered, the Jews, The Poles and the Germans, all three were at that time firmly rooted in Poland. Himmler never really gave much thought to the Jews remaining in Poland, his early plans were to ship them all out to Africa, but this never really gained much ground.

    Germans in Poland were being encouraged to return to the homeland but where were they to go? There was not enough room for them, instead Himmler was to create a plan that would split Poland in three, one area for each of the Poles, Jews and Germans. Of course the Germans taking the lions share.

    However Himmler never consider the logistics of that action, Germans living in areas to be occupied by the poles, and poles living in areas to be occupied by the Germans. One Polish family moves out to allow a German family in and then nowhere to put the Polish family. It was all a mess.

    So the solution as Himmler saw it was to free up more land, create more homes and so on, the solution although not the final one was to push the Jews further North in a much smaller area thus creating more space.

    That still did not work, so the idea came about that Ghettos would be created for the Jews in certain areas. Lódz, Kraków, Lublin were to become the main holding area for the Jews but contain so many people that living was not really a term you could use.

    From the Ghettos you then moved on to the camps, but the journey for the Jews was not a nice one, Himmler's incompetence is displayed not only in his management of the Jews but in many other ways.

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