I had an interesting discussion with a friend the other day. What was the most effective man-portable anti-tank weapon of the Second World War? The American Bazooka? The mass produced Panzerfaust? Something else? What say you?
Well, for the Panzersschreck, it was more accurate on long range but heavier too. PIAT, also a good AT weapon but think for its 2nd shot. Bazooka, it had a good merit since it produced less smoke during launch, it is very costly comparing others. It was a very decent weapon but had moderate penetration power. Panzerfaust, been simple, cheaper, with a good knocking power, fire and forget characteristic made it populer in the Garman Army. Some 5 million+ been produced till the end of War!
Agreed with all that. I voted for the Panzerfaust because it was effective, could (and was) produced in gigantic numbers, and the concept of a single-shot disposable AT weapon continued on after the war in many armies.
Now, considering Panzerfaust as a forerunner, qus arrises for which is obvious next? Well, its easy to think but hard to determine! PIAT, a two men operated comparatively heavy AT weapon, after War been used by France, India, Canada, Poland, Australia, Yogoslavia etc. etc. I heard that during Arnhem offensive, PIAT knocked out Tiger I, though I don't know that op range/angle etc of the case. I've seen PIAT in action in the movie 'A Bridge Too Far'. From my little knowledge, I can tell you that PIAT and Bazooka, both are different types of AT weapons, ie., former is mortar type and the other one is a rocket launcher, their effectivness@range/angle remains very close to each other. One may bother for its problematic 2nd shot, very high back thrust etc, but it is one which capable to use HEAT, HE projectiles. An expert only able to guide you to decide wheather a PIAT or Bazooka is to be taken for sure go-through a 100mm@80 degree from some 80-90 m (some 275-80ft)! Thanks.
Projector Infantry Anti Tank (1943) Volume 1 Pamphlet 24 : http://www.scribd.com/doc/141442352...phlet-No-24-Projector-Infantry-Anti-Tank-1943
Rockets and Launchers 1944: http://www.scribd.com/doc/126442561/25044360-Declassified-Rocket-Launchers
I think it is German's Panzerfaust. Any 12-year-old or 80-year-old with next to no training could operate one and take out a tank. Just two days ago I was reading an article on Russian RPG-7. It talked about how it is so widely used around the world, and guess what? RPG-7 and all RPG series were a result of the Russians were impressed by the German Panzerfaust. They immediately took notes and started to create their own version which resulted in RPG-1 to all the way to RPG-7.
Panzerfaust -'Der Wochenschau 1945' close range desperation weapon much like our Energa 94 which I fired mid 1960s) : https://archive.org/details/1945-03-22-Die-Deutsche-Wochenschau-755 Der Leichte Panzerfaust Zdv316: https://archive.org/stream/gunmanua...v316 Die Leichte Panzerfaust#page/n0/mode/2up