MG William Phillips (LTC RA)

Discussion in 'Revolutionary War' started by Uncle Ben, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. Uncle Ben

    Uncle Ben Member

      MG William Phillips has the distinction of being the only artillery officer to command a British army. He earned a singular reputation as an artillerist during the 7YW and based on merit, with the help of patronage, ended up with an army commission of MG, second in command to Lt Gen John Burgoyne. Later Phillips was given a small army and sent to Virginia where he chased Von Steuben out of Petersburg. Unfortunately he contracted a fever and died shortly after the battle. He is buried at Blandford Church.
      It is interesting to note that from it's inception to the early 19 Cen the Royal Regiment of Artillery was separate from the army and under the command of the Board of Ordnance. YMH & OS, Ben

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