First letter sent by dad from Korea to his younger brother aged 15. Letter sent early June 1952 Dad had sailed with 1RAR on the Devonshire, he was SOS (?) from 2RAR a week before departure, and was not then attached to a company. By time of arrival in Japan dad was ill and was hospitalized for a month he was then sent over to 4Ptn Bcoy 1RAR in the June when 1RAR officially joined the front line trenches for the first time. I will replace racist terms used to describe the enemy. Any symbol (?) means the word is hard to decipher, although I think i have all words sorted. Dear Jim Just a few lines in response to your letter which i received the other day. Well I am still alive and just missed out on getting you a watch the other night but was not quite quick enough to get two as i needed one for myself. That was after we ambushed a Chinese patrol the other night there was only three watches among the nine we killed. The picture of the Japanese Shelia is just a girl I know and sent it just to show you what they looked like "Not bad eh" The weather over here is very hot especially at night when all the Chinese shells are coming in, boy do i sweat. We are getting about 40 shells a day on our ridge and we are the reserve company, the forward company's cop a bit more than us. As rear company we are getting a lot of patrols night and day, but when we go up forward in about 5 days we will be about 150 yards from the enemy as it is we are only about 600 yards from the Chinese front trenches. Tell the old man that it would not hard to get the Japanese Shelia's to come to Australia, because your've only got to know them for about 2 hours before they put it on you to take them to Australia as Australia is the apple in their eye. I was invited to a few Japanese homes when over their, after arrival in March remember i was in hospital, it's certainly has been funny for us, you go to the door take your boots off, walk in just in your socks you squat down on your knees/legs (?). and they bring you a nobble (?) of Saki, a potent sort of brew which would even knock the old man over after a couple of drinks. well Jim I close now hoping all is well at home. N By OpenDNS This photo is of my father and his hootchie mate, name unknown, dad is on the left with a Owen gun, he used the Owen extensively in Korea along with the SMLE 303. His mate has a belt of MG rounds and some empty arty cases beside him, this was taken in reserve position. Though reserve was actually the counter attack company and also patrols. By OpenDNS This photo was taken in Japan with RHU Kure. If you look closely the Bren is empty and dad has a spade shoved down the front of is pack. This was unusual for fighting troops to carry as it was usually to big to bother with in a static war esp. I believe that due to the Bren being unarmed that this is a special pose by my old man for the family (Women and kids) at home to crow about in delight.
Hi Cobber, Keep the stories coming, I know this forum is for WWII, but the "forgotten troops" deserve our respect as well. Cheers