It is 60 years ago on 25th June 1950 that the North Korean Communists invaded the South. They very nearly threw the Southern army and it's allies out of Korea untill a USA sea borne landing behind the Northern lines at Pusan along with offensive action from the rest of the troops in the deep Korean south known as the Pusan box made the Northern Communists withdraw eventually all but to the Yalu River (Chinese Border). Troops from 16 nations joined with the South while the Chinese surprised MacArthur's Intel and pushed a quarter of a million troops in to North Korea ending up with almost half a million troops deployed. Launching one of the (supposed) largest surprise attacks in history they destroyed cohesion in the USA and UN 8th Army, creating what famously became Bug Out which was forget your training, forget your comrades, forget all but the most necessary equipment just turn around and move South at maximum speed. It appeared to effect US troops more than others however that was due to the shear number of US formations, and other nations formations joined or were forced to join the Bug Out. A number of formations from several nations including the USA withdrew in good order. Once the Allies gained cohesion again and settled down into prepared positions they again pushed the enemy back over the 38th parallel and trench warfare became the norm for the duration of open warfare which was three years until a cease fire was signed. Their was a large Air Force in use by the Allies while the Russian Communist deployed fighter pilots. Allied Naval force from Aircraft Carriers and Cruisers to Frigates and Patrol Boats all had a go supporting land operations and bombarding enemy areas Note: Many Allied Troops used the infamous Bug Out to get hold of modern USA winter supplies esp Artic Sleeping bags and clothing and heavy support weapons, 30 and 50 cal MG's, heavy Mortars and in the case of a Aussie soldier a quite large US Engineers crane. They were able to do this as I mentioned above the troops who Bugged Out unorganised left behind so much equipment that other Allied troops and many individuals as well as the enemy were quite happy at the amount of supplies and individual equipment left behind for them to pick up at their own leisure.
Hi Geoff I was doing my basic training when volunteers were asked for to do special overseas training, to go to Korea. We were the second intake of 1950. I with a few of my best friends stuck our hands up ( Ah, the innocence of youth! ) After we completed the course, I was shipped to a basic training camp in Dorset, to help out with general duties. Somehow my details were mislaid, when I was discovered, I was sent to Austria, where I was put out in the sticks, taking over from a demobbed bod, in the outskirts of Villach, as a one man unit on special duties. I had the luxury of being billeted in an ex.SS Sgts barracks, with a local security detachment, we had our own cook, my own civilian driver, a pick of four vehicles, a PSU, a Humber 4x4 and a captured BMW 375 Sportler plus a civilianised black painted jeep. Special living-out allowance, extra cigaretts (A pack of 200 Pall Mall weekly) local clerk and translator. This posting to BTA extended to me the privilege of being able to wear the 8th Army shield who were the original occupants and whose Div Sign we inherited. I can only say that someone up there was looking after me. Cheers Keith
Australian commitments started on 30th June 1950. RAAF 77 Squadron was committed to engage the enemy in Korea. The first flights of RAAF P51-d Mustang air craft in combat over Korea took place two days later on the 2nd July 1950. They flew from bases in Japan which limited the time over enemy territory untill the ground troops created space for allied air strips in Korea itself. RAN 28th/29th June. The Australian Navy (RAN) followed the lead of the RN (which happened the day earlier) by allowing it's Ships initially the HMAS Battan and HMAS Shoalhaven which were quickly followed by other RAN ships to come under the operational command of the USN from 29th June. They initially took part in the Naval blockade of North Korea and then took on escort duties followed on 1st August by a duel between HMAS Battan and a Northern Korean Shore Battery eventually destroying it. RAR 26th July Australian acting PM Fadden announces that a army unit of unspecified size would join the war. On 28th Sept one Battalion being 3RAR arrives in Korea to join British 27th Bgd which consisted of 1st Btn the Argyles and Sutherland Highlanders and the 1st Btn Middlesex Regt. Both of these Btns were well under strength with them having been from the Garrison for Hong Kong and rushed to war. The 3RAR was at full strength with all supporting arms attached to Btn. March 1952 1Btn RAR arrives to increase Aussies to two Btns followed by 2RAR in March 1953 who replaced 1RAR. Many wonder how the Chinese managed to get so many men into Korea especially with the UN forces so close to the relatively small border area. The US and UN troops had advanced on two fronts one up the east coast and one up the west coast, they had mainly left the rugged mountains running down the centre of Korea alone, it was here that so many CCF troops remained well hidden untill time for attack. MacArthur and his crew also disregarded the Chinese threat believing as he allways did that he knew better than the Intel chaps on the spot. Anyway he wanted to create WW3 by drawing the Chinese and Russians into open war. I
Talk about a charmed life. Someone up there liked you for sure. My cousin was a bit like that. He was a Lt. Commander on the Melbourne (Aircraft Carrier) and I hear he was on shore leave when it cut the Voyager in half, so he escaped most of that disaster's aftermath. He seemed to get all the cushy jobs and postings. Was in the UK for many years. Brought back a Mercedes from Europe in the hold of the Melbourne. He was appointed the Navies liaison to look after the Queen when she came to Australia etc.........................
Tour dates of the HMA Ships & Naval Air Squadrons in Korean waters 1950 to 1954 Air Craft Carriers HMAS Sydney: First Tour Aug 1951 Feb 1952 Second Tour Oct 1953 June 1954 HMAS Vengeance: Oct 1954 Dec 1954 ( On loan from RN and manned primarily by RAN from late 1952 untill HMAS Melbourne was ready for service in 1955/56.) HMAS or HMS Vengeance was only used in Korean waters to bring home the meteors and supplys of 77 RAAF Squadron. The Meteors were not landed on deck but placed on deck by cranes. 77 Squadron RAAF had been overseas for 11 years having deployed from Darwin to Milne Bay PNG on 10th Feb 1943. It arrived home late 1954 and resumed active duties at Williamtown RAAF Base NSW on 4 Janurary 1955 Destroyers HMAS Arunta: Jan 1954 Oct 1954 HMAS ANZAC: First Tour Aug 1951 Oct 1951 Second Tour Sept 1952 June 1953 HMAS Bataan: First Tour June 1950 June 1951 Second Tour Jan 1952 Sept 1952 HMAS Tobruk: First Tour Aug 1951 Feb 1952 Second Tour June 1953 Feb 1954 HMAS Warramunga: First Tour Aug 1950 Aug 1951 Second Tour Jan 1952 Aug 1952 Frigates: HMAS Culgoa: Mar 1953 Nov 1953 HMAS Condamine: First Tour July 1952 Nov 1953 Second Tour Feb 1955 Nov 1955 HMAS Murchison ("The Princess of the Han") First Tour May 1951 Feb 1952 Second Tour Nov 1953 Jul 1954 HMAS Shoalhaven: First Tour June 1950 Sept 1950 Second Tour July 1954 Mar 1955 Naval Air Squadrons: 805 Sqdn First Tour Aug 1951 Feb 1952 Second Tour Oct 1953 June 1954 808 Sqdn First Tour Aug 1951 Feb 1952 Second Tour Oct 1953 June 1954 817 Sqdn First Tour Aug 1951 Feb 1952 Second Tour Oct 1953 June 1954
My father Joined the Army a few days after his 18th birthday in early Jan 1951 he after basic training was sent to 2RAR at Puckapunyal Victoria. On his records it stats that in March 1952 2RAR received a SOS from 1RAR and he was sent to Sydney the next day to embark on HMAT Devonshire for service with 1RAR in Korea. (He was one of a few soldiers from 2RAR who were either asked or/and volunteered for service in Korea with 1RAR). Dad was dropped of at Japan to initially see service with the Reinforcement Training Unit at Kure, he was called across to 4Ptn B Coy 1RAR in early June 1952. He stayed with 1RAR untill they were relieved in March 1953 and was then transfered over to a Infantry Coy with 2RAR which he served with until June 1953. He was downgraded from A1 on his RTA and transfered to RAASC however he immediately went on a health kick and was once again graded as A1 he used his transfer back to a Infantry Btn to once again get movement orders back to Korea in December 1953 and joined 3RAR in enforcing the cease fire, Which he stayed with untill again being RTA in June of 1954. This meant that he served with all three Aussie Btns that saw service in Korea he spent 495 days in Korea. He was wounded by a mine which killed his best mate and was also hit in side of jaw by CCF rifle butt and nearly bayoneted however he was saved from this fate by a Aussie killing the Chinese Soldier. A gun fight then erupted over dads all but unconscious body where luckily the Aussies won and recovered my very dazed father.
RAAF deployments to korean war. 77 Fighter Squadron, P51D followed by Meteors No 91 Composite Wing No 30 Communications Unit No 30 Transport Unit No 36 Transport Squadron No 392 Base Squadron No 491 Maintenance Squadron.
Nations who contributed to the war in Korea 1950 to 1953. Nations who provided combat and support troops. Australia: 2 Infantry Btns, one Fighter Squadron, Transport Aircraft and Naval forces including a Air Craft Carrier with three Squadrons. Belgium: 1 infantry Btn Canada 1 reinforced infantry Brigade, Armour, Arty, Transport Air craft, and Naval forces Columbia: 1 Infantry Btn and Naval Forces Ethiopia: 1 Infantry Btn France: 1 reinforced Infantry Btn Greece: 1 Infantry Btn and Transport Air Craft Luxembourg: 1 Infantry Platoon. (usually attached to French Btn) Netherlands: 1 Infantry Btn and Naval Forces New Zealand: 1 Artillery Regiment, one Transport Ptn Philippines: 1 infantry Btn and 1 Company of Armour South Africa: 1 fighter Squadron Thailand: 1 Infantry Btn, Transport Air Craft (air force and Naval), Naval Forces Turkey: 1 Infantry Brigade United Kingdom: 2 Infantry Brigades (5 Btns), 1 Armoured Regt, 1 1/2 Artillery Regts, 1 1/2 Engineer Regts, & supporting Army forces, Naval Forces (Brit far East Fleet) including 1 Air Craft Carrier & Sunderland aircraft United States: The Eighth Army of 6 Infantry Divisions & 1 Marine Division, having within them at least 63 Infantry Btns with all supporting forces, Medical incl Field Hospitals. Naval Forces Far East fleet (three task forces) including a number of air Craft carriers, and Far East Air Forces (Three Air Forces) A total of approximately 84 Infantry Battalions with supporting Arms were supplied by allied Forces to fight along side a number of South Korean Divisions. Nations who provided Medical units only. Denmark Italy India Norway Sweden Most Nations provided some medical troops who were attached to MASH units and other in theatre Medical Units and also Japan based medical units. Most Nations also deployed individuals and small groups of soldiers to larger allied forces for the experience. They served in a myriad of units from Staff positions & Infantry to support & medical units.
1 RTR (1st Royal Tank Regiment) served in Korea from Dec 1952 to Dec 1953. Equipped with Centurion tanks they were employed as dug in direct fire artillery pieces. The war had reached stalemate by this time and movement was non existent, the regiments job was to dominate no mans land. In a six month period they fired 26,000, 20pdr main armament rounds. A number of the brass cases were melted down and used to make the "Korea Bell" which has stood outside Regimental Headquarters ever since.