[SIZE=+2]POW Research Network Japan[/SIZE] Japanese people researching their POW shame. List of camps and many names also attached. http://homepage3.nifty.com/pow-j/e/aboutus.html http://homepage3.nifty.com/pow-j/e/TelegraphPOW.pdf
I just came across this while, believe it or not, looking for a female Geologist (yes, I was working!). Turns out she has the same name as one of the contributors. http://www.mansell.com/pow_resources/camplists/rg331-box 1321-jap pow camps.htm A bit beyond me and no time to follow the links at the moment, but looks to be a lot of info...with some names.
Checked this site out and it seems to have some good research material for those interested in Japanese Prisoner of war camps. Very useful. Sniper