Is It Possible To Request Medals?

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Charlene, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Charlene

    Charlene Guest

    I don't know if this has been discussed on another thread but I couldn't find one.

    When my Mom got the Flag Case for her brother James W, Turner, it contained ribbons for the medals he had been awarded. They are the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Good Conduct Medal, European/African/Middle Eastern Campaign Medal W/IBBS, WWII Victory Medal, Combat Infantryman Badge, and the WWII Honorable Service Lapel Button.

    Does anyone know if we can request the actual Medals themselves and if so who would we need to contact?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Hi Charlene

    I am surprised the presentation did not include the medals as well as the ribbons. You should contact

    Replacement Medals, Awards, and Decorations

    As this is an exceptional case, in light of the circumstances, I would hope they act quickly
  3. Charlene

    Charlene Guest

    I am surprised the presentation did not include the medals as well as the ribbons. You should contact

    Replacement Medals, Awards, and Decorations

    As this is an exceptional case, in light of the circumstances, I would hope they act quickly

    Thank you Kyt. I will get on this immediately.

    There are two medals with the ribbons which I believe are the Combat Infantryman Medal (rifle on blue background with silver wreath) and the WWII Honorable Service Lapel Button (gold with wing spread eagle). Then there are gold Private stripes on on each side of the ribbon bars.


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