Hi Everyone, Happy to be Here!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by tlspiegel, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. tlspiegel

    tlspiegel New Member

    My dad was a doctor (not a medic), stationed in South Carolina, before he was shipped overseas in WWII. When I was six months old my mom and I flew to live on base with him in South Carolina for one year.

    Then we moved back to Pittsburgh, PA while he was stationed India. He came home four years later a changed man, from what I understand. Apparently, what he saw and experienced left him with what they called in those days "melancholy". Today it's called PTSD.

    More on that later. Happy to be here.
  2. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    Welcome to the community. We have a bunch of good people, and even some misfits, mostly interested in military history. I remember the passionate good old days of the anti-Vietnam War days. And I find it interesting that your father was in India during WWII, as that was an almost forgotten theator. Am I correct he was apart of the Air Corps?

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