Greetings from Boston USA

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by 254Sqdn, May 16, 2009.

  1. 254Sqdn

    254Sqdn New Member


    My name is Paul Emery an ex-pat living in the USA for 30 years, my main interest lies with 254 Squadron of Coastal Command and the early air war years over Norway and the Bristol Blenheim aircraft. My interest was sparked by growing up hearing the sparse details available regarding my Uncle who was shot down over Stavanger Norway, May 27th 1940. Thanks to the internet I have been able to fill in some of the gaps in his story and to this end I have created a website dedicated to him and his squadron. This site can be found at

    254 Squadron

    I hope you'll take a look and I also hope that this forum might help further my research. Someday I would like to have an online copy of the 254 Squadron ORB but since I am on the wrong side of the pond getting to the PRO is rather difficult.


    Paul Emery
  2. Colonel Klink

    Colonel Klink New Member

    Welcome to the forum. Happy posting.

    BTW, is there any chance that you like the Boston Red Sox(my favorite team in MLB)? Just wondered since you're from Boston.:)
  3. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Welcome to the forum Paul, please excuse the Kid, he's sports mad ;)

    Am sure we can scrape some info together if you tell us what you are looking for.
  4. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Hi Paul and welcome ! :)

    I thought I had found a flyer for your Honour Roll but I just realised he's 1943 ... maybe you can keep him on the back burner - in case you decide to go further !!

    In Memory of

    1312553, 254 Sqdn., Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
    who died age 23
    on 01 May 1943
    Son of Sidney Herbert and Elizabeth Marshall, of Newport, Monmouthshire.

    Remembered with honour

    Remembered on St Julian's High School Memorial
  5. Colonel Klink

    Colonel Klink New Member

  6. John

    John Active Member

    Hi Paul, welcome to the forum. I hope you have many hours of enjoyment.
  7. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Welcome aboard, Paul. The early days in Norway are one of the oft-forgotten periods of the war. Sadly, I'm not widely read in the area but am keen on wherever the Blenheim flew (which is almost everywhere!).

    MtoM.html - ah, I have been there before! Have wondered about this book. Looks good.

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