Recently discoverd from National Archives files that my father, Sidney Puzey, who was a prisoner at PG 73 Modena Italy, esacaped for a few weeks in September 1943 when Italy surrendered. He hid in the hope that allied soldiers would arrive but instead got re-captured by German paras and ended up in Stalag XVIII a at Wolfsberg Austria. Dad died when I was young so this was news for me. Any similar stories at the time of the Italian surrender?
i have heard stories of men being moved from italian camps to german before the allies could get to the camps, even some being lost during transport on uboats. lad from my own town was left to his own devices after beigng deserted on a beach as there was no more room on the u boat transporting prisoners. the U boat was depth charged and all prisoners lost with her.
I have also heard stories of the senior POW's who in some cases told the rest of the POW's to sit and wait for liberation, only to find that after a time with out guards they were now prisoners of the Germans. General Sir Richard O'Connor was one who took the chance offered by the Italians when they abandoned the camps, he made it home to the UK and was rewarded with command of the 7th corps for the Normandy (break out) and other Western Front Campaigns. Many others of all nationalities also took the opportunity to take a walk for freedom. I think that it is possible that many of the prisoners thought that liberation was not that far way and possibly thought it would be safer waiting for the Allies to arrive rather than wandering about the country side behind German lines. Other wise I reckon the Italian country side could of been full of POW's heading for safety.