
Discussion in 'Looking for someone' started by liverpool annie, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Can anybody see this soldier at all please in CWGC ? ... maybe my eyes but I can't find him !! :rolleyes: mind you I can't see an MIC either !!

    Summersby, Alfred 63832

    Thanking you in advance !

    Annie :)
  2. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    No wonder I'm all screwed up .... this isn't the same man is it ?? ....

    I was given these to put on my Roll .... but I can't find the Summersby in Kings Liverpool ( looks like "S" to me .... !! and the number doesn't look right !! )

    ...... CWGC says they have no record of any Summersby ... but the headstone is right there !

    I'm going doodle alley here .... could somebody take a look please ?

    Annie :confused:

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  3. Hill 40

    Hill 40 New Member

    he ended up in 66 Coy in the Labour Corps with the regimental number 39006. (and he was 65832 in the RWF , not the King's)
  4. Hill 40

    Hill 40 New Member


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  5. Hill 40

    Hill 40 New Member

    Odd one this... something doesn't seem quite right. It appears that incorrect details are on one or more of his records and recordings!!!...(either that, or it's the details of two seperate men that have somehow become intertwined!!)...

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  6. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Thats what I mean ... I got Alfreds MIC .... then I looked at the photos ... and said ... " wait a minute " !!

    The more I looked the more confused I got !! .... I'm glad you're confused too !!!!! :D
  7. Hill 40

    Hill 40 New Member

    I think that, perhaps, CWGC are the most at error here. The number 65832 doesn't seem to rest easily with either the King's Liverpools or the RWF...however 63832 does actually sit well for the RWF as an early 1917 number, but not the Liverpools (working from SDGW). As for "S" or "Alfred", I think it's almost certainly Alfred and the S may be a typographical error that's been around from the beginning (unless, of course, he's an Alfred S Summersby or S.Alfred Summersby that is!)

    There may be more clues on his actual medal rolls (and his service record if it still exists).
  8. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Ady took a look and said the same as you ..... it's a strange one ! ;)

    but agrees some scanning error maybe error with original docs ......... !!

    Theres nothing on the Liverpool database ...... not sure where else to look!

    Annie :confused:
  9. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    I'll have to see if I can find somebody with access to A* .... all those years I had it ...

    I never used it for me I was always looking stuff up for everybody else !! :D

    EDIT .... I just thought they don't have the "S"'s yet !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Hill 40

    Hill 40 New Member

    it's not complete anyway (even those bits that they claim are!). I've found 2 or 3 at TNA over the past few weeks that should have been on Ancestry but weren't (and also a couple of cases where about 4 or 5 pages are on Ancestry but there were 18 or 20 at Kew!)

    I doubt that there'd be anything in the Liverpool regiment database anyway (unless it includes ex-Liverpools also) as he died as a member of the Labour Corps (he transferred), not the Liverpools (and his medals are on the LC rolls).

    Whatever and however - I think that a more final answer is to be found at Kew (possibly!)
  11. Andy Pay

    Andy Pay Member

    Glad that I am not the only one that has found this with A******. I have several soldiers records photographed from 363 microfilms that do not appear anywhere on A***** at all, and a similar experience with many pages at the TNA but only 1 or 2 on A*****. Drives me mad as theses soldiers records will probably disappear in time.

  12. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Heres Alfred in the paper .......

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  13. geoff501

    geoff501 New Member

    Can't throw any light on this. The search engine only gives the one result, same as post #5.
    GRO gives Summersby, Alfred Sgt. 39006 LC (its usual for the death index to record only LC details for transfers).

    I don't know whether previous regiments are recorded on LC death certificates, never seen one. Be 7 quid to find out.
  14. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Thanks for taking a look Geoff !

    I have to keep looking ... theres got to be a solution to this !!

    ( By the way ... I don't know if it's just me ..... but your search engine on your signature says " This page has now closed " ... just thought I'd mention it !! :D )

    Annie :)
  15. geoff501

    geoff501 New Member

    Reckon the initial 'S' could be a scanning error. Try Terry Denham for a quick answer. The RWF/Liverpool issue is an odd one...

    Unofficially, someone did a search for Manchester Regiment and the server burst into flames. I managed to beat out the flames with a large wooden spoon.
    The official version is its down for updating - don't have a timescale yet though....
  16. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    I'm laughing ... just imagining you with the wooden spoon !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D
  17. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    I wonder if he'd be on the Gorton Absent Voters list ?

    Does anybody have access to it ?? ( oh wait ... I'll ask Mack first !! )

    Ignore me ........ I'm just thinking aloud !!

    Annie :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  18. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Well ...... if he served in the Army before the police then he was probably in the Boer War in 1901 !!
    Alfred married an Eva James in 1907 but the only child registered that is a possible ......... is an Alfred J Summersby born Prestwich 1916 ........... and the 1911 is showing that an Alfred aged 31 in Prestwich District was born London and living in Bradford Manchester :confused:

    Still checking on the AVL's ... no luck so far .... does anybody know the date they were done ? I wondered if they were done before he died ?

  19. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    I asked my friend and he checked the QSA roll for 1/Manchesters but there is no Summersby listed ...... it's really like trying to find a needle in a haystack without the regiment being known !

    The only way to progress I think - is to keep checking for him in the WO 97 series of regular soldiers .... no guarantee of success of course - despite Summersby not being a common name !!

    Oooh this is frustrating ...... I really want to know !!! :p
  20. Hill 40

    Hill 40 New Member

    Nearest I can see on the QSA rolls is an Alfred F Summersby who was a private in the RAMC (3 other Summersby's that I can see also, but none of the others have names beginning with an A. There is however an artilleryman - J.Summersby.

    Thousands of soldiers in the army at that time didn't serve in SA. Have you checked the IGS rolls or the QM rolls amongst others? (Mind you , it's, as you say, clutching at straws a little if there's no actual evidence that he did serve at this time!). The answer (if there is one) certainly resides at Kew, I think. (See if his WW1 forms still exist first - they might mention previous service)

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