Confederate State Rights?

Discussion in 'Civil War' started by cameronpalte, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. cameronpalte

    cameronpalte Member

    Do you guys think that the confederate states had a right to form their own nation, and that the union did a wrong thing by invading them.

    I personally believe that the confederate states, while they were doing a wrong thing, did have a right, however you also have the right of free speech and yet if you yell fire in a movie theater you'll get arrested so....

    Personally if that was me I would of invaded them due to how wrong I think slavery is, but what do you guys think?
  2. blindwarrior

    blindwarrior Member

    They had every right, we are so used to thinking of the United States as one country that we forget that it's the union of a lot of small ones, it basically began much like the European Union did today.

    Also the Civil War didn't just break out over a disagreement about slaves, there were more complex economical factors at play.

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