An old beginner says Hello

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by MP_, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. MP_

    MP_ New Member

    Hello from North East England. I'm a retired music teacher who has recently become beguiled by studies of late Edwardian social and cultural history and even more fascinated by the origins and progress of Word War 1. I'm at the very early stages of tracing the army history of my great uncle and hoping to find here some tips on the 'how to go about it'. Also, the BBC WW1 centenary website has been very inspirational. I particularly enjoyed the BBC Radio 3 'Music on the Brink' season.
  2. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    Welcome. We can always use another mind in the discussion of the confussion known as the Great War. May I ask at what level did you teach music? And at what level have you performed? And what instruments (including the human voice) do feel are your best venues?

    As a way of my counterpoint, I have studied a broad scope of military and naval history, but feel at home with euro-american history of the post 1800 era.

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