Abandoned WW2 airfields caught on film

Discussion in 'Books and Films' started by Kyt, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    http://www.eadt.co.uk/content/eadt/...gory=News&itemid=IPED31 Oct 2007 17:03:08:140

  2. 51highland

    51highland Member

    Seeing as most of these airfields are within half an hours drive for me, a lot of them only 10 or 15 minutes away, anyone want any pics? Most of them (Mendlesham, Eye, Debach etc) are industrial areas now. . RAF Honington is still in use today.
  3. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Any pictures you get a chance to take, 51H, would be appreciated here. If and when you get the chance to post any, we could try to do a "then and now", with station histories etc.

  4. 51highland

    51highland Member

    Martlesham for starters

    Pics of the last remaining Hangar at RAF Martlesham, Now a large industrial estate and home to BT's research centre, The A12 runs through the middle of what was the aerodrome plus home to Suffolk constabulary HQ. The hangar has been made a listed building. Stanford Tuck and Bader both flew from Martlesham for a time. There is a pub on Martlesham heath housing estate named ofter Bader, good grub in there too. The Control tower is now a museum.

    Attached Files:

  5. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Oooooooooooooooooh! A Bellman hangar!

    I have lots of photos of what was left of RAF Cranage-Byley and a handful from RAF Calverley. Ground was too saturated there to get over the fields.
  6. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    It is amazing what is still left after nearly 70 years and the activity and preparation that was underway in the 30's with the clouds of war on the horizon.
  7. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Yes please, 51H and keep 'em coming when you get the chance.
  8. 51highland

    51highland Member

    On Google Earth 52 03' 08.05" N 1 15'33.19" E shows the last piece of runway and taxi way. Used to ride old motorbikes, cars etc on there when i was a kid. The hangar is just North of Adastral Park (BT). At 52 03'27.10"N 1 16'40.11" E is Barrack Square (south of Adastral) with 2 barrack blocks both listed buildings to the right of the A12 dual carriageway.Better still just put in Barrack Square Martlesham.!!!
  9. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

  10. edgar hernandez

    edgar hernandez New Member

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