A fresh look for war graves in the United Kingdom

Discussion in 'Memorials & Cemeteries' started by liverpool annie, May 14, 2009.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Update CWGC ........

    With 170,000 war graves in 12,000 burial grounds, only a handful of which are in the Commission’s overall control, achieving a consistent and fitting level of horticultural maintenance for war graves in the United Kingdom has always been a challenge.

    Where the war graves form large plots, standards can approach those of the war cemeteries in our exclusive care throughout the world, with fine cut grass, roses and herbaceous borders. But by far the majority of UK war graves are scattered among civil burials where little more than basic care to ensure tidiness and access is possible.

    Now, however, our United Kingdom Area is undertaking a survey of these scattered graves in an attempt to identify groups of ten or more where improvement might be possible. For suitable groups, rough grass will be replaced with fine turf, herbaceous borders introduced and a contractor appointed to carry out regular maintenance. The survey and improvement work is expected to take up to three years.


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