I started with this newspaper clipping ..... and then found this ...... I'm pretty sure this is the right man ..... could anybody add anything else please ! (H.M.S. Aboukir, was hit by a single torpedo and sank 22nd Sept 1914.) SMITH, Officer's Cook 1st Class, WILLIAM EDMUND, L/1874. Royal Navy. Age 22. Son of William F. and Emma J. Smith, of Sandy's Parish, Bermuda, British West Indies. 7. http://www.clarke-rowland.freeserve.co.uk/AboukirRoll.htm In Memory of Officer's Cook 1st Class WILLIAM EDMUND SMITH L/1874, H.M.S. "Aboukir.", Royal Navy who died age 22 on 22 September 1914 Son of William F. and Emma J. Smith, of Sandy's Parish, Bermuda, British West Indies. Remembered with honour CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL Annie