Now before you say VC, might some other medal be more apt? For example, Boxing fans might choose the Third China War Medal and fans of 1960's fashion could pick the Afghan War Medal to match their favourite long haired coat? Those about to retire, after having served +21 years with the same firm, would deserve a Long Service Medal while Wilfreds and Philips have suitable medals all ready and waiting for them. Also, people of a quieter, more retiring, disposition, not wishing to have their citation published, would naturally go for the Military Medal. Others who are inclined to go pubbing might forgo the medal itself and just pick a bar instead? What medal would I pick as being suitable for myself? Well, as an oppressed rail commuter who has a lot to put up with, it would have to be the Cross of St. George... fourth class of course!
I quite thought this one suited me ............... Order of Sacred Treasure !!!!!!!!!!