
Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Gage, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. Gage

    Gage New Member

  2. james S

    james S New Member

    A numbert of priosners transferred from Auschwitz and gassed here , their skeletons were then prepared for use by university students - they were killed "to order".
  3. allanwcameron

    allanwcameron New Member

    whipping block

    Another horrifying relic of the nazis. I note the "whipping block" pictured on the virtual tour. This was actually a skinning table, used by butchers and game keepers etc , the ribbed top lets blood flow through, whilst the u shape and ribs also stop the carcass slipping.
    A good example of how the SS/gestapo used ordinary items in extraordinary and brutal ways.

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