David Shannon's DSO on display at AWM

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Antipodean Andy, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Long-term loan. I hope to get there this year so might get to see the medal.

    Dambusters medal on show at War Memorial - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

  2. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Hi Andy ,well you have to be lucky sometimes I am going to Canberra in august for a week so will be looking for sure ,along with all the rest at the AWM I walk past the 617 SQN memorial in Adelaide everyday on way home from work and see his name on the plaque and in May there always is a laurel on it for the mission will be great to see his DSO
    Cheers Tony
  3. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Tony, there's a thread on here with reference to the building of the 617 memorial in Adelaide. If you have the time, would you mind posting a photo there please?
  4. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    I am still chasing the last resting place of Dave Shannon in the UK to go with a Dambusters file I am putting together.

  5. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Hi Andy ,yes i thought of that today not the post but to get a picture of the memorial only had a minute to get to my bus stop so did not take a picture .Will do so next day or so and post best couple.Really a lot of detail about them on the plaque.
    Cheers Tony :photo:
  6. DFC

    DFC New Member

    ps for that matter will get pictures in Canberra as well at AWM
    cheers Tony DoH
  7. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    You more than likely have this already ... but thought it might be of interest to others !

    The Times
    Friday 16 April 1993
    David Shannon

  8. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Not sure how to get this ... but I'll post it !! ....

    IWM interview
    aircraft, British: Avro Lancaster
    Shannon, David J xxx
    Gibson, Guy P
    Wallis, Barnes
    Wallis, Neville Barnes
    Hopgood, J V
    Martin, H B
    Maltby, D J H
    AU & South Australia
    GB, England
    GB, England & Scampton, Lincs
    DE & Mohne Dam
    DE & Eder Dam
    EI, English Channel
    GB.F & Sqdn, 617
    GB.F & RAF Scampton
    GB.F & Command, Bomber
    GB.F & Group, 5
    Australian officer served as pilot with 617 Sqdn, RAF during Dambusters' Raid on Germany, 16/5/1943-17/5/1943 and during Operation Taxable deception on D-Day, 6/6/1944
    REEL 1 Background in South Australia 1922-1940: family; education. Aspects of period as officer with Royal Australian Air Force in Australia, 1940-1941: background to joining Royal Australian Air Force; training; secondment to RAF and journey to GB 1941. Recollections of operations with 617 Sqdn, RAF in GB, 1943-1944: background to joining squadron at RAF Scampton; personal and professional opinion of Guy Gibson; other squadron members selected by Guy Gibson; rapid formation of unit; low level flying and simulated 'moonlight' flying; previous low level flying experience; emphasis in training on formation flying, low level and navigation; training routes across GB; parallel 'bouncing bomb' experiments determining height and speed for aircraft training; improvised means for determining accurate height of aircraft; equipping Lancasters with VHF radio; radio codes to restrict traffic on air.
    REEL 2 Continues: practising low flying over Lake District; hazards of low flying; formation flying; tight security and not knowing the target; arrival of modified aircraft and bombs; realising need to release bombs early during practise runs off Kent coast; serious attitude towards training; experience of personnel and intent of purpose; elation at news of operation; minor breach of security; unveiling models of dams at briefing; full briefing and target revealed; critical timing of operation; timing of three waves of aircraft; participation in first wave led by Guy Gibson to Mohne Dam; hazards and advantages of flying at low level; Guy Gibson's attack on Mohne Dam.
    REEL 3 Continues: Hopgood's attack and subsequent mid-air explosion; Martin's attempt; Maltby's successful attack; secure position of Eder Dam and difficulty seeing it; breaching Eder Dam; difficulties of visibility in attack on Eder Dam; view of Mohne Dam; atmosphere inside aircraft during raid; view of Eder Dam; adequacy of training; debriefing and subsequent party; high losses and value of raid; impression of Barnes Wallis and his distress at crew losses; description of Operation Taxable to simulate spoof landing of invasion force in Calais area, 5/1944-6/6/1944; necessity for precision flying and accurate timing of dropping window.
    Air Operations, 1939-1945: North West Europe, 1944-1945
    Air Operations, 1939-1945: Bomber Offensive, 1939-1945
    Full : 29pp
    Shannon, David John
    See also talk on AC 16256; papers in file; Photos
    17 November 2006
    IWM copyright

    Inmagic DB/Text WebPublisher PRO found 70 records
  9. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Andy I want photos, or from whoever gets there first dammit!

    Spidge do you know where the grave is?
  10. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Hi Kitty,

    I have searched the net for hours and hours (last year) however I could not find details of the last resting place.

    I possibly missed it somewhere if it is there.


  11. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    bugger i'll start putting out questions and see what i can find. Sure he's buried in the UK? I thought he was buried in Oz.
  12. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    I believe he was living in the UK when he passed away.
  13. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    He was living there for many years and died at Sydenham, South London. I know where he died but alas not where he was buried.
  14. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    According to this article, all of Shannon's medals and his uniform etc are on display. Excellent.

    Dam Buster medals on display in Canberra - great photo at link.

  15. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Final Resting Place of Dave Shannon

    A message received from Dave Shannon's Grandson has reminded me that I had not kept this thread up to date.

    Dave Shannon is buried in the graveyard of St. Michael's Church, Clifton Hampden, Nr. Abingdon Oxon UK.

    View attachment 3595
  16. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Here's another ..... !! .... I forgot to post it - I saw it a few days ago !! :fish: .... is this yours Geoff ??

    David and Ann Shannon’s headstones

    Although David Shannon was an Australian, he stayed on in England after the war, joining Shell as an executive. He spent some time in both Colombia and Kenya before returning to the UK. He died on 8 April 1993, shortly before the planned 50th anniversary reunion of those who took part in the Dams Raid.

    Shannon’s romance with Ann Fowler, a WAAF officer serving with 617 Squadron, and their subsequent marriage is a recurring theme in Paul Brickhill’s book, The Dam Busters. Ann Shannon died a couple of years before her husband and they are both commemorated with stones in the churchyard of St Michael and All Angels in Clifton Hampden, Oxfordshire. The size of the stones would indicate that they were both probably cremated.

    David and Ann Shannon’s headstones « Dambusters Weblog
  17. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Good hunting, Geoff.
  18. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Not guilty your honour!

    No, but he has another site besides the blog which I have read while doing research on David.
  19. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Ok firstly i have been slack with holidays and going away re shannons group ok
    first yes the whole group is there not just the DSO secondly you need a searchlight to take a picture of the group which is very,very nice if you thought the vc groups are in the dark shannons group is pitch black took shots but flash totally destroyed any real picture so a waste and what is worse a flash or more general light !!!!!
    cheers Tony ps i have the adelaide dambusters picture and will post
  20. AJW

    AJW New Member

    Spidge, are you still chasing those resting place details?

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