From: The Korean War On 25 Jun 1950, military forces of North Korea crossed the 38th Parallel into the Republic of Korea (South Korea), attacking at many points and landing sea-borne detachments on the eastern coast. This full-scale invasion was met with an immediate world reaction, and the Canadian Army would eventually commit an entire brigade group to military operations there. The United States requested a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the afternoon of the 25th, and a call was made for the immediate cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of North Korean forces to the 38th Parallel - the original dividing line between the two nations. When it became apparent this demand would not be met, US President Truman ordered the US Navy and Air Force to support the South Korean military. The United Nations further resolved that its members provide military support for South Korea. Resolution was possible due to a Soviet boycott of the meeting of the Security Council. The resolution officially asked members to "furnish such assistance to the Republic of Korea as may be necessary to repel the armed attack and to restore international peace and security in the area". The US Army had a sizeable garrison in Japan, and on 30 Jun President Truman authorized the first commitment of ground troops. They would be joined by the troops of other nations under a single UN commander. A United Nations Command was established in Tokyo, Japan and placed under the command of US Army General Douglas MacArthur. Read more at the link.